Sunday, October 31, 2010

A week to go!

The Boise performance of our Fall show is one week away! That means the hard work we have invested over the past two months is about to go on display. With just a week away it is time to make sure that not only the choreography is solid, but all the minute details as well.

Do I have my makeup, bobby pins, and costume accessories all set? I like to take this week as the time to organize everything. Once show week arrives it is go go go. So now I have the time to step back and go through everything at my leisure. A clean house, empty laundry basket, and full fridge are easy things that I can take care of this week to eliminate extra errands next week when time is short.

Being from out of town (originally Wisconsin!) I have the added pleasure of usually receiving guests during the show week. My family and friends have made the trek a few times and that adds a whole different dimension to preparation week! Not only do my visitors get to enjoy an awesome show but I have the chance to show them around Boise. And what an awesome place it is.

I know I have my ducks in a row and I think the rest of the company is there too. We hope to see you at the show. Maybe you are preparing too? It is going to be a good one!

Mary Kate

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stop by.....

     Today Melynda, Eric and I spent the afternoon at the BSU Student Union Building meeting new people and spreading the word about our Fall Performance. So if you happen to be on the BSU campus tomorrow (10/26) or Thursday (10/28) stop by, say hello and meet the dancers. We will be there 1 to 4pm tomorrow and 10am to 2pm on Thursday. BSU student tickets are only $10! With that price there is no reason not to go. On Thursday you can actually purchase a student ticket at our booth. We are located just across the Info Desk at the SUB. See you there!

    If your wondering who Eric is..... he is our brand spanking new dancer. Stay tune for more info about him.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where's IDT?

     If you happened to miss it this morning, the IDT studio was the host to Larry Gebert and the Channel 7 Morning News. We got up super early to help promote our upcoming show. After a cup (or two) of coffee we were able to get our bodies moving and showcase some of the amazing choreography that will be part of our Fall Performance. We became the backdrop to our dear friend Larry, who also MC's our annual Gala. Many thanks to Larry and Channel 7 for stopping by our studio.

     If you have yet to purchase tickets for our upcoming show, please visit our website for info and ticket sales @ . It's fast approaching and the best seats are selling fast.

See you at the show!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Magic Lamp

     What happens when an unhappy Dish Washer stumbles across a magic lamp? Well in this case he gets 7 wishes from a very unusual genie. This genie happens to be a choreographer who grants wishes through dance. “The Magic Lamp” is this year’s outreach program, performed by the IDT dancers, which teaches elementary students the art of dance in a 45 minute scripted school show.
     I play the dish washer who is very unhappy with his job and finds a magic lamp in his load of dishes. Upon rubbing it he meets the genie, played by Yurek, and the genies assistants. Wish after wish the dish washer discovers how fun African, Ballet, Contemporary, Tap, Hip Hop and Jazz are. His final wish is to have a job that doesn’t have a dish within a mile, but it turns out it’s not up the genies dancing alley. So he is advised that it’s in his own power to find that job. He is told to go back to school and he will never have to wash a dish again.

     Every year the school show has a strong message and this year students are encouraged to stay in school and find a career that they will love to do. Just like the genie, this outreach program is also very unique and unusual. Apart from demonstrating the different types of dance, it offers lots and lots of interaction. Throughout the show the students are taught partnering, rhythm, coordination and isolations. Each element involves the students to participate either individually or as a group. Crazy costumes and beautiful backdrops help the show become very effective, entertaining and visually engaging. If you are interested in seeing or bringing “The Magic Lamp” to your child’s elementary school please contact our managing director Becky @ (208) 331-9592. Poof!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

IDT: Tough Enough To Wear Pink

On Saturday morning Mary Kate, Lia, Melynda, Gonzalo, and I exercised our bodies and supported the Susan G. Komen Foundation when we participated in "Get Moving for the Cure." We did an intense 30 minute work out with Brett Denton and all of his helpers at Knockout Body Bootcamps. Team "I Dig Ta-tas" for Idaho Dance (after an intense work out mind you) competed in the final two competitions and we proudly won the "plank-off". In the plank-off as a team we had to relay-style hold a plank position longer than any other team. But to throw in a twist, as the competition wound down to us and a final couple of teams, Brett kept making it harder and harder by making us take one hand and one foot off the ground. We excitedly cheered each other along as we watched our opponents drop from the competition. The other contestants who were watching also joined in on the cheers and it came down to myself and another man. I felt strength from my team and persevered to take home the big W!

We came together as a company to support our community and join in in the efforts of eradicating breast cancer. We had an absolute blast and it was great to be out exercising with our community. As we were told in the inspirational speech that we received in the beginning: we became strong like the mighty redwoods because we were grouped together to show our support as a community. It was a wonderful experience that I will cherish always.
 ~ Caitlin

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Season

          As summer comes to an end and the city of trees begins to change color, we return to the studio to begin yet another exciting season of dance. We are busy in the studio getting back in shape and creating our fall show scheduled for November. We are super excited to have most of last season's dancers return and also the addition of a new dancer, Elizabeth Henscheid.
         This season marks the 22nd year of Idaho Dance Theatre and it promises to be full of exciting new works and old favorites by both of our artistic directors and guest choreographers. A month into rehearsal we have lots of great choreography set and we will be having an open rehearsal this Friday, October 8th. If you are interested in attending to see a preview of the work being created please contact our managing director Becky @ 208-331-9592.